Draggin' kind of describes how I'm feeling today...
It's dreary outside and it's supposed to be summer, and these drugs I'm on for my back make me "odd" - I can't describe it really. Some days I'm drowsy, other days I'm dopey (yeah, ask me about the morning I didn't remember greeting my boss as he walked into the office. Ten minutes later, passing by his office, I asked "hey, when did you get in?" - hahaha!).
Today, I'm just blech - even the morning coffee that hubby handed me as I rushed out the door and the Timmie's hot chocolate that the broker I work for brought in didn't really get me out of the "funk". No worries, I'm not having the "suicidal thoughts" side effect - hubby saw one of those drug commercials for Lyrica and asked if I was feeling okay. I told him I was far too drowsy to make the effort. I don't suppose it's something we *should* joke about, but...
Anyways, enough about my "funk" - I think I might go downstairs to the mall and hit the toy store. I have a present to buy for a 4-year old's party this weekend, and if a trip to the toy store can't help... :)
Here's a fun cheerful dragon card. His flying goggles make me smile! Back when Dustin Pike was just getting his feet wet in the digital stamping world, I bought a bunch of his images (dowloaded a schwack of free ones too). This is one of them...

The image is coloured with my Copics and I "dotted" little pools of Colorless Blender from my marker to make the scales - not sure how well that shows up here.
The journey "sentiment" is "Define Your Life" from Stampin' Up. I bought this set for scrapbooking (which I have really neglected until very recently. I've actually been on a bit of a roll this week...), but have only used it for cards so far.
I bought the papers on a recent trip to Seattle and think they're DCWV. The border punch was a steal at Joann's.
Have I ever mentioned how much I *love* Joann's? Border punches for 40% off (when they're already 30% less than we pay for them in Canada)??? Plus, my 7-year old noticed, "Wow, they have way more stuff than our Michael's does!!!" Dropped a small fortune (except if the border guard reads this, then I only spent $50, LOL!)
The punch that is below the oval punch (SU) journey sentiment was bought at Impress Rubber Stamps - OMG!!! I could have spent days locked up in that store. I...ahem...spent a little more money there. It *also* punches the brackets to either side of the dragon. Oh, and they ship to Canada...
Here's a peek into the inside...

Man, I've been "talkative" today, LOL! I think the "funk" is fading... I'm even smiling now!